Example of a Subject-Verb Agreement

Subject-verb agreement is a crucial grammar rule that ensures that the subject of a sentence agrees with the verb used to describe it. When writing, it’s easy to overlook this rule and make mistakes that can compromise the clarity and accuracy of your work.

In this article, we’ll explore an example of subject-verb agreement to help you understand the rule better and avoid making such mistakes in your writing.


Incorrect: The team of players are ready for the game.

Correct: The team of players is ready for the game.


In this example, the subject of the sentence is ‘team,’ and the verb used to describe it is ‘are.’ However, using ‘are’ in this context is incorrect because ‘team’ is a singular noun. Therefore, ‘is’ should be used instead of ‘are’ to match the singular subject.

The correct sentence should read, “The team of players is ready for the game.”

It’s essential to use subject-verb agreement in your writing as it helps to make your sentences clear and easier to understand. Failing to observe this rule can lead to confusion and misunderstandings, which can compromise the quality of your work.

Here are a few tips to help you maintain subject-verb agreement in your writing:

1. Identify the subject of your sentence and determine if it is singular or plural.

2. Choose a verb that agrees with the subject in number (singular or plural).

3. Be careful of phrases that can be confusing, such as “a group of” or “a team of,” which can make the subject appear plural when it’s actually singular.

4. When in doubt, read your sentence aloud to see if it sounds correct.

In conclusion, subject-verb agreement is a crucial grammar rule that should be observed when writing. Understanding this rule and practicing it will help you avoid making mistakes that can compromise the clarity and accuracy of your work. The example above shows that a simple error like using the wrong verb can affect the meaning of your sentence. Therefore, always check your work for subject-verb agreement before submitting it.